/* Plugin Name: BrowserSelector Written by: Okler Themes - (http://www.okler.net) Version: 4.1.1 */ (function($) { $.extend({ browserSelector: function() { // jQuery.browser.mobile (http://detectmobilebrowser.com/) (function(a){(jQuery.browser=jQuery.browser||{}).mobile=/(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows (ce|phone)|xda|xiino/i.test(a)||/1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i.test(a.substr(0,4))})(navigator.userAgent||navigator.vendor||window.opera); // Touch var hasTouch = 'ontouchstart' in window || navigator.msMaxTouchPoints; var u = navigator.userAgent, ua = u.toLowerCase(), is = function (t) { return ua.indexOf(t) > -1; }, g = 'gecko', w = 'webkit', s = 'safari', o = 'opera', h = document.documentElement, b = [(!(/opera|webtv/i.test(ua)) && /msie\s(\d)/.test(ua)) ? ('ie ie' + parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE")[1])) : is('firefox/2') ? g + ' ff2' : is('firefox/3.5') ? g + ' ff3 ff3_5' : is('firefox/3') ? g + ' ff3' : is('gecko/') ? g : is('opera') ? o + (/version\/(\d+)/.test(ua) ? ' ' + o + RegExp.jQuery1 : (/opera(\s|\/)(\d+)/.test(ua) ? ' ' + o + RegExp.jQuery2 : '')) : is('konqueror') ? 'konqueror' : is('chrome') ? w + ' chrome' : is('iron') ? w + ' iron' : is('applewebkit/') ? w + ' ' + s + (/version\/(\d+)/.test(ua) ? ' ' + s + RegExp.jQuery1 : '') : is('mozilla/') ? g : '', is('j2me') ? 'mobile' : is('iphone') ? 'iphone' : is('ipod') ? 'ipod' : is('mac') ? 'mac' : is('darwin') ? 'mac' : is('webtv') ? 'webtv' : is('win') ? 'win' : is('freebsd') ? 'freebsd' : (is('x11') || is('linux')) ? 'linux' : '', 'js']; c = b.join(' '); if ($.browser.mobile) { c += ' mobile'; } if (hasTouch) { c += ' touch'; } h.className += ' ' + c; // IE11 Detect var isIE11 = !(window.ActiveXObject) && "ActiveXObject" in window; if (isIE11) { $('html').removeClass('gecko').addClass('ie ie11'); return; } // Dark and Boxed Compatibility if($('body').hasClass('dark')) { $('html').addClass('dark'); } if($('body').hasClass('boxed')) { $('html').addClass('boxed'); } } }); $.browserSelector(); })(jQuery); /* Plugin Name: waitForImages Written by: https://github.com/alexanderdickson/waitForImages */ /*! waitForImages jQuery Plugin - v2.0.2 - 2015-05-05 * https://github.com/alexanderdickson/waitForImages * Copyright (c) 2015 Alex Dickson; Licensed MIT */ ;(function (factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define(['jquery'], factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { // CommonJS / nodejs module module.exports = factory(require('jquery')); } else { // Browser globals factory(jQuery); } }(function ($) { // Namespace all events. var eventNamespace = 'waitForImages'; // CSS properties which contain references to images. $.waitForImages = { hasImageProperties: [ 'backgroundImage', 'listStyleImage', 'borderImage', 'borderCornerImage', 'cursor' ], hasImageAttributes: ['srcset'] }; // Custom selector to find `img` elements that have a valid `src` // attribute and have not already loaded. $.expr[':'].uncached = function (obj) { // Ensure we are dealing with an `img` element with a valid // `src` attribute. if (!$(obj).is('img[src][src!=""]')) { return false; } return !obj.complete; }; $.fn.waitForImages = function () { var allImgsLength = 0; var allImgsLoaded = 0; var deferred = $.Deferred(); var finishedCallback; var eachCallback; var waitForAll; // Handle options object (if passed). if ($.isPlainObject(arguments[0])) { waitForAll = arguments[0].waitForAll; eachCallback = arguments[0].each; finishedCallback = arguments[0].finished; } else { // Handle if using deferred object and only one param was passed in. if (arguments.length === 1 && $.type(arguments[0]) === 'boolean') { waitForAll = arguments[0]; } else { finishedCallback = arguments[0]; eachCallback = arguments[1]; waitForAll = arguments[2]; } } // Handle missing callbacks. finishedCallback = finishedCallback || $.noop; eachCallback = eachCallback || $.noop; // Convert waitForAll to Boolean waitForAll = !! waitForAll; // Ensure callbacks are functions. if (!$.isFunction(finishedCallback) || !$.isFunction(eachCallback)) { throw new TypeError('An invalid callback was supplied.'); } this.each(function () { // Build a list of all imgs, dependent on what images will // be considered. var obj = $(this); var allImgs = []; // CSS properties which may contain an image. var hasImgProperties = $.waitForImages.hasImageProperties || []; // Element attributes which may contain an image. var hasImageAttributes = $.waitForImages.hasImageAttributes || []; // To match `url()` references. // Spec: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/syndata.html#value-def-uri var matchUrl = /url\(\s*(['"]?)(.*?)\1\s*\)/g; if (waitForAll) { // Get all elements (including the original), as any one of // them could have a background image. obj.find('*').addBack().each(function () { var element = $(this); // If an `img` element, add it. But keep iterating in // case it has a background image too. if (element.is('img:uncached')) { allImgs.push({ src: element.attr('src'), element: element[0] }); } $.each(hasImgProperties, function (i, property) { var propertyValue = element.css(property); var match; // If it doesn't contain this property, skip. if (!propertyValue) { return true; } // Get all url() of this element. while (match = matchUrl.exec(propertyValue)) { allImgs.push({ src: match[2], element: element[0] }); } }); $.each(hasImageAttributes, function (i, attribute) { var attributeValue = element.attr(attribute); var attributeValues; // If it doesn't contain this property, skip. if (!attributeValue) { return true; } // Check for multiple comma separated images attributeValues = attributeValue.split(','); $.each(attributeValues, function(i, value) { // Trim value and get string before first // whitespace (for use with srcset). value = $.trim(value).split(' ')[0]; allImgs.push({ src: value, element: element[0] }); }); }); }); } else { // For images only, the task is simpler. obj.find('img:uncached') .each(function () { allImgs.push({ src: this.src, element: this }); }); } allImgsLength = allImgs.length; allImgsLoaded = 0; // If no images found, don't bother. if (allImgsLength === 0) { finishedCallback.call(obj[0]); deferred.resolveWith(obj[0]); } $.each(allImgs, function (i, img) { var image = new Image(); var events = 'load.' + eventNamespace + ' error.' + eventNamespace; // Handle the image loading and error with the same callback. $(image).one(events, function me (event) { // If an error occurred with loading the image, set the // third argument accordingly. var eachArguments = [ allImgsLoaded, allImgsLength, event.type == 'load' ]; allImgsLoaded++; eachCallback.apply(img.element, eachArguments); deferred.notifyWith(img.element, eachArguments); // Unbind the event listeners. I use this in addition to // `one` as one of those events won't be called (either // 'load' or 'error' will be called). $(this).off(events, me); if (allImgsLoaded == allImgsLength) { finishedCallback.call(obj[0]); deferred.resolveWith(obj[0]); return false; } }); image.src = img.src; }); }); return deferred.promise(); }; })); /* Plugin Name: Count To Written by: Matt Huggins - https://github.com/mhuggins/jquery-countTo */ (function ($) { $.fn.countTo = function (options) { options = options || {}; return $(this).each(function () { // set options for current element var settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.countTo.defaults, { from: $(this).data('from'), to: $(this).data('to'), speed: $(this).data('speed'), refreshInterval: $(this).data('refresh-interval'), decimals: $(this).data('decimals') }, options); // how many times to update the value, and how much to increment the value on each update var loops = Math.ceil(settings.speed / settings.refreshInterval), increment = (settings.to - settings.from) / loops; // references & variables that will change with each update var self = this, $self = $(this), loopCount = 0, value = settings.from, data = $self.data('countTo') || {}; $self.data('countTo', data); // if an existing interval can be found, clear it first if (data.interval) { clearInterval(data.interval); } data.interval = setInterval(updateTimer, settings.refreshInterval); // initialize the element with the starting value render(value); function updateTimer() { value += increment; loopCount++; render(value); if (typeof(settings.onUpdate) == 'function') { settings.onUpdate.call(self, value); } if (loopCount >= loops) { // remove the interval $self.removeData('countTo'); clearInterval(data.interval); value = settings.to; if (typeof(settings.onComplete) == 'function') { settings.onComplete.call(self, value); } } } function render(value) { var formattedValue = settings.formatter.call(self, value, settings); $self.html(formattedValue); } }); }; $.fn.countTo.defaults = { from: 0, // the number the element should start at to: 0, // the number the element should end at speed: 1000, // how long it should take to count between the target numbers refreshInterval: 100, // how often the element should be updated decimals: 0, // the number of decimal places to show formatter: formatter, // handler for formatting the value before rendering onUpdate: null, // callback method for every time the element is updated onComplete: null // callback method for when the element finishes updating }; function formatter(value, settings) { return value.toFixed(settings.decimals); } }(jQuery)); /* Plugin Name: afterResize.js Written by: https://github.com/mcshaman/afterResize.js Description: Simple jQuery plugin designed to emulate an 'after resize' event. */ ( function( $ ) { "use strict"; // Define default settings var defaults = { action: function() {}, runOnLoad: false, duration: 500 }; // Define global variables var settings = defaults, running = false, start; var methods = {}; // Initial plugin configuration methods.init = function() { // Allocate passed arguments to settings based on type for( var i = 0; i <= arguments.length; i++ ) { var arg = arguments[i]; switch ( typeof arg ) { case "function": settings.action = arg; break; case "boolean": settings.runOnLoad = arg; break; case "number": settings.duration = arg; break; } } // Process each matching jQuery object return this.each(function() { if( settings.runOnLoad ) { settings.action(); } $(this).resize( function() { methods.timedAction.call( this ); } ); } ); }; methods.timedAction = function( code, millisec ) { var doAction = function() { var remaining = settings.duration; if( running ) { var elapse = new Date() - start; remaining = settings.duration - elapse; if( remaining <= 0 ) { // Clear timeout and reset running variable clearTimeout(running); running = false; // Perform user defined function settings.action(); return; } } wait( remaining ); }; var wait = function( time ) { running = setTimeout( doAction, time ); }; // Define new action starting time start = new Date(); // Define runtime settings if function is run directly if( typeof millisec === 'number' ) { settings.duration = millisec; } if( typeof code === 'function' ) { settings.action = code; } // Only run timed loop if not already running if( !running ) { doAction(); } }; $.fn.afterResize = function( method ) { if( methods[method] ) { return methods[method].apply( this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ) ); } else { return methods.init.apply( this, arguments ); } }; })(jQuery); /* Plugin Name: matchHeight Written by: Okler Themes - (http://www.okler.net) Version: 4.1.1 Based on: jquery.matchHeight-min.js v0.5.2 Licensed under the terms of the MIT license. */ ;(function($) { /* * internal */ var _previousResizeWidth = -1, _updateTimeout = -1; /* * _rows * utility function returns array of jQuery selections representing each row * (as displayed after float wrapping applied by browser) */ var _rows = function(elements) { var tolerance = 1, $elements = $(elements), lastTop = null, rows = []; // group elements by their top position $elements.each(function(){ var $that = $(this), top = $that.offset().top - _parse($that.css('margin-top')), lastRow = rows.length > 0 ? rows[rows.length - 1] : null; if (lastRow === null) { // first item on the row, so just push it rows.push($that); } else { // if the row top is the same, add to the row group if (Math.floor(Math.abs(lastTop - top)) <= tolerance) { rows[rows.length - 1] = lastRow.add($that); } else { // otherwise start a new row group rows.push($that); } } // keep track of the last row top lastTop = top; }); return rows; }; /* * _parse * value parse utility function */ var _parse = function(value) { // parse value and convert NaN to 0 return parseFloat(value) || 0; }; /* * _parseOptions * handle plugin options */ var _parseOptions = function(options) { var opts = { byRow: true, remove: false, property: 'height' }; if (typeof options === 'object') { return $.extend(opts, options); } if (typeof options === 'boolean') { opts.byRow = options; } else if (options === 'remove') { opts.remove = true; } return opts; }; /* * matchHeight * plugin definition */ var matchHeight = $.fn.matchHeight = function(options) { var opts = _parseOptions(options); // handle remove if (opts.remove) { var that = this; // remove fixed height from all selected elements this.css(opts.property, ''); // remove selected elements from all groups $.each(matchHeight._groups, function(key, group) { group.elements = group.elements.not(that); }); // TODO: cleanup empty groups return this; } if (this.length <= 1) return this; // keep track of this group so we can re-apply later on load and resize events matchHeight._groups.push({ elements: this, options: opts }); // match each element's height to the tallest element in the selection matchHeight._apply(this, opts); return this; }; /* * plugin global options */ matchHeight._groups = []; matchHeight._throttle = 80; matchHeight._maintainScroll = false; matchHeight._beforeUpdate = null; matchHeight._afterUpdate = null; /* * matchHeight._apply * apply matchHeight to given elements */ matchHeight._apply = function(elements, options) { var opts = _parseOptions(options), $elements = $(elements), rows = [$elements]; // take note of scroll position var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(), htmlHeight = $('html').outerHeight(true); // get hidden parents var $hiddenParents = $elements.parents().filter(':hidden'); // cache the original inline style $hiddenParents.each(function() { var $that = $(this); $that.data('style-cache', $that.attr('style')); }); // temporarily must force hidden parents visible $hiddenParents.css('display', 'block'); // get rows if using byRow, otherwise assume one row if (opts.byRow) { // must first force an arbitrary equal height so floating elements break evenly $elements.each(function() { var $that = $(this), display = $that.css('display') === 'inline-block' ? 'inline-block' : 'block'; // cache the original inline style $that.data('style-cache', $that.attr('style')); $that.css({ 'display': display, 'padding-top': '0', 'padding-bottom': '0', 'margin-top': '0', 'margin-bottom': '0', 'border-top-width': '0', 'border-bottom-width': '0', 'height': '100px' }); }); // get the array of rows (based on element top position) rows = _rows($elements); // revert original inline styles $elements.each(function() { var $that = $(this); $that.attr('style', $that.data('style-cache') || ''); }); } $.each(rows, function(key, row) { var $row = $(row), maxHeight = 0; // skip apply to rows with only one item if (opts.byRow && $row.length <= 1) { $row.css(opts.property, ''); return; } // iterate the row and find the max height $row.each(function(){ var $that = $(this), display = $that.css('display') === 'inline-block' ? 'inline-block' : 'block'; // ensure we get the correct actual height (and not a previously set height value) var css = { 'display': display }; css[opts.property] = ''; $that.css(css); // find the max height (including padding, but not margin) if ($that.outerHeight(false) > maxHeight) maxHeight = $that.outerHeight(false); // revert display block $that.css('display', ''); }); // iterate the row and apply the height to all elements $row.each(function(){ var $that = $(this), verticalPadding = 0; // handle padding and border correctly (required when not using border-box) if ($that.css('box-sizing') !== 'border-box') { verticalPadding += _parse($that.css('border-top-width')) + _parse($that.css('border-bottom-width')); verticalPadding += _parse($that.css('padding-top')) + _parse($that.css('padding-bottom')); } // set the height (accounting for padding and border) $that.css(opts.property, maxHeight - verticalPadding); }); }); // revert hidden parents $hiddenParents.each(function() { var $that = $(this); $that.attr('style', $that.data('style-cache') || null); }); // restore scroll position if enabled if (matchHeight._maintainScroll) $(window).scrollTop((scrollTop / htmlHeight) * $('html').outerHeight(true)); return this; }; /* * matchHeight._applyDataApi * applies matchHeight to all elements with a data-match-height attribute */ matchHeight._applyDataApi = function() { var groups = {}; // generate groups by their groupId set by elements using data-match-height $('[data-match-height], [data-mh]').each(function() { var $this = $(this), groupId = $this.attr('data-match-height') || $this.attr('data-mh'); if (groupId in groups) { groups[groupId] = groups[groupId].add($this); } else { groups[groupId] = $this; } }); // apply matchHeight to each group $.each(groups, function() { this.matchHeight(true); }); }; /* * matchHeight._update * updates matchHeight on all current groups with their correct options */ var _update = function(event) { if (matchHeight._beforeUpdate) matchHeight._beforeUpdate(event, matchHeight._groups); $.each(matchHeight._groups, function() { matchHeight._apply(this.elements, this.options); }); if (matchHeight._afterUpdate) matchHeight._afterUpdate(event, matchHeight._groups); }; matchHeight._update = function(throttle, event) { // prevent update if fired from a resize event // where the viewport width hasn't actually changed // fixes an event looping bug in IE8 if (event && event.type === 'resize') { var windowWidth = $(window).width(); if (windowWidth === _previousResizeWidth) return; _previousResizeWidth = windowWidth; } // throttle updates if (!throttle) { _update(event); } else if (_updateTimeout === -1) { _updateTimeout = setTimeout(function() { _update(event); _updateTimeout = -1; }, matchHeight._throttle); } }; /* * bind events */ // apply on DOM ready event $(matchHeight._applyDataApi); // update heights on load and resize events $(window).bind('load', function(event) { matchHeight._update(false, event); }); // throttled update heights on resize events $(window).bind('resize orientationchange', function(event) { matchHeight._update(true, event); }); })(jQuery); /* Plugin Name: jQuery.pin Written by: Okler Themes - (http://www.okler.net) Version: 4.1.1 Based on: https://github.com/webpop/jquery.pin Licensed under the terms of the MIT license. */ (function ($) { "use strict"; $.fn.pin = function (options) { var scrollY = 0, elements = [], disabled = false, $window = $(window); options = options || {}; var recalculateLimits = function () { for (var i=0, len=elements.length; i"); } var pad = $.extend({ top: 0, bottom: 0 }, options.padding || {}); $this.data("pin", { pad: pad, from: (options.containerSelector ? containerOffset.top : offset.top) - pad.top, to: containerOffset.top + $container.height() - $this.outerHeight() - pad.bottom, end: containerOffset.top + $container.height(), parentTop: parentOffset.top }); $this.css({width: $this.outerWidth()}); $this.parent().css("height", $this.outerHeight()); } }; var onScroll = function () { if (disabled) { return; } scrollY = $window.scrollTop(); var elmts = []; for (var i=0, len=elements.length; i data.end) { $this.css('position', ''); continue; } if (from < scrollY && to > scrollY) { !($this.css("position") == "fixed") && $this.css({ left: $this.offset().left, top: data.pad.top }).css("position", "fixed"); if (options.activeClass) { $this.addClass(options.activeClass); } } else if (scrollY >= to) { $this.css({ left: "", top: to - data.parentTop + data.pad.top }).css("position", "absolute"); if (options.activeClass) { $this.addClass(options.activeClass); } } else { $this.css({position: "", top: "", left: ""}); if (options.activeClass) { $this.removeClass(options.activeClass); } } } elements = elmts; }; var update = function () { recalculateLimits(); onScroll(); }; this.each(function () { var $this = $(this), data = $(this).data('pin') || {}; if (data && data.update) { return; } elements.push($this); $("img", this).one("load", recalculateLimits); data.update = update; $(this).data('pin', data); }); $window.scroll(onScroll); $window.resize(function () { recalculateLimits(); }); recalculateLimits(); $window.load(update); return this; }; })(jQuery); /* Plugin Name: smoothScroll for jQuery. Written by: Okler Themes - (http://www.okler.net) Version: 4.1.1 Based on: SmoothScroll v1.2.1 Licensed under the terms of the MIT license. People involved - Balazs Galambosi (maintainer) - Patrick Brunner (original idea) - Michael Herf (Pulse Algorithm) */ (function($) { $.extend({ smoothScroll: function() { // Scroll Variables (tweakable) var defaults = { // Scrolling Core frameRate : 60, // [Hz] animationTime : 700, // [px] stepSize : 120, // [px] // Pulse (less tweakable) // ratio of "tail" to "acceleration" pulseAlgorithm : true, pulseScale : 10, pulseNormalize : 1, // Acceleration accelerationDelta : 20, // 20 accelerationMax : 1, // 1 // Keyboard Settings keyboardSupport : true, // option arrowScroll : 50, // [px] // Other touchpadSupport : true, fixedBackground : true, excluded : "" }; var options = defaults; // Other Variables var isExcluded = false; var isFrame = false; var direction = { x: 0, y: 0 }; var initDone = false; var root = document.documentElement; var activeElement; var observer; var deltaBuffer = [ 120, 120, 120 ]; var key = { left: 37, up: 38, right: 39, down: 40, spacebar: 32, pageup: 33, pagedown: 34, end: 35, home: 36 }; /*********************************************** * INITIALIZE ***********************************************/ /** * Tests if smooth scrolling is allowed. Shuts down everything if not. */ function initTest() { var disableKeyboard = false; // disable keys for google reader (spacebar conflict) if (document.URL.indexOf("google.com/reader/view") > -1) { disableKeyboard = true; } // disable everything if the page is blacklisted if (options.excluded) { var domains = options.excluded.split(/[,\n] ?/); domains.push("mail.google.com"); // exclude Gmail for now for (var i = domains.length; i--;) { if (document.URL.indexOf(domains[i]) > -1) { observer && observer.disconnect(); removeEvent("mousewheel", wheel); disableKeyboard = true; isExcluded = true; break; } } } // disable keyboard support if anything above requested it if (disableKeyboard) { removeEvent("keydown", keydown); } if (options.keyboardSupport && !disableKeyboard) { addEvent("keydown", keydown); } } /** * Sets up scrolls array, determines if frames are involved. */ function init() { if (!document.body) return; var body = document.body; var html = document.documentElement; var windowHeight = window.innerHeight; var scrollHeight = body.scrollHeight; // check compat mode for root element root = (document.compatMode.indexOf('CSS') >= 0) ? html : body; activeElement = body; initTest(); initDone = true; // Checks if this script is running in a frame if (top != self) { isFrame = true; } /** * This fixes a bug where the areas left and right to * the content does not trigger the onmousewheel event * on some pages. e.g.: html, body { height: 100% } */ else if (scrollHeight > windowHeight && (body.offsetHeight <= windowHeight || html.offsetHeight <= windowHeight)) { // DOMChange (throttle): fix height var pending = false; var refresh = function () { if (!pending && html.scrollHeight != document.height) { pending = true; // add a new pending action setTimeout(function () { html.style.height = document.height + 'px'; pending = false; }, 500); // act rarely to stay fast } }; html.style.height = 'auto'; setTimeout(refresh, 10); var config = { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: false }; observer = new MutationObserver(refresh); observer.observe(body, config); // clearfix if (root.offsetHeight <= windowHeight) { var underlay = document.createElement("div"); underlay.style.clear = "both"; body.appendChild(underlay); } } // gmail performance fix if (document.URL.indexOf("mail.google.com") > -1) { var s = document.createElement("style"); s.innerHTML = ".iu { visibility: hidden }"; (document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || html).appendChild(s); } // facebook better home timeline performance // all the HTML resized images make rendering CPU intensive else if (document.URL.indexOf("www.facebook.com") > -1) { var home_stream = document.getElementById("home_stream"); home_stream && (home_stream.style.webkitTransform = "translateZ(0)"); } // disable fixed background if (!options.fixedBackground && !isExcluded) { body.style.backgroundAttachment = "scroll"; html.style.backgroundAttachment = "scroll"; } } /************************************************ * SCROLLING ************************************************/ var que = []; var pending = false; var lastScroll = +new Date; /** * Pushes scroll actions to the scrolling queue. */ function scrollArray(elem, left, top, delay) { delay || (delay = 1000); directionCheck(left, top); if (options.accelerationMax != 1) { var now = +new Date; var elapsed = now - lastScroll; if (elapsed < options.accelerationDelta) { var factor = (1 + (30 / elapsed)) / 2; if (factor > 1) { factor = Math.min(factor, options.accelerationMax); left *= factor; top *= factor; } } lastScroll = +new Date; } // push a scroll command que.push({ x: left, y: top, lastX: (left < 0) ? 0.99 : -0.99, lastY: (top < 0) ? 0.99 : -0.99, start: +new Date }); // don't act if there's a pending queue if (pending) { return; } var scrollWindow = (elem === document.body); var step = function (time) { var now = +new Date; var scrollX = 0; var scrollY = 0; for (var i = 0; i < que.length; i++) { var item = que[i]; var elapsed = now - item.start; var finished = (elapsed >= options.animationTime); // scroll position: [0, 1] var position = (finished) ? 1 : elapsed / options.animationTime; // easing [optional] if (options.pulseAlgorithm) { position = pulse(position); } // only need the difference var x = (item.x * position - item.lastX) >> 0; var y = (item.y * position - item.lastY) >> 0; // add this to the total scrolling scrollX += x; scrollY += y; // update last values item.lastX += x; item.lastY += y; // delete and step back if it's over if (finished) { que.splice(i, 1); i--; } } // scroll left and top if (scrollWindow) { window.scrollBy(scrollX, scrollY); } else { if (scrollX) elem.scrollLeft += scrollX; if (scrollY) elem.scrollTop += scrollY; } // clean up if there's nothing left to do if (!left && !top) { que = []; } if (que.length) { requestFrame(step, elem, (delay / options.frameRate + 1)); } else { pending = false; } }; // start a new queue of actions requestFrame(step, elem, 0); pending = true; } /*********************************************** * EVENTS ***********************************************/ /** * Mouse wheel handler. * @param {Object} event */ function wheel(event) { if (!initDone) { init(); } var target = event.target; var overflowing = overflowingAncestor(target); // use default if there's no overflowing // element or default action is prevented if (!overflowing || event.defaultPrevented || isNodeName(activeElement, "embed") || (isNodeName(target, "embed") && /\.pdf/i.test(target.src))) { return true; } var deltaX = event.wheelDeltaX || 0; var deltaY = event.wheelDeltaY || 0; // use wheelDelta if deltaX/Y is not available if (!deltaX && !deltaY) { deltaY = event.wheelDelta || 0; } // check if it's a touchpad scroll that should be ignored if (!options.touchpadSupport && isTouchpad(deltaY)) { return true; } // scale by step size // delta is 120 most of the time // synaptics seems to send 1 sometimes if (Math.abs(deltaX) > 1.2) { deltaX *= options.stepSize / 120; } if (Math.abs(deltaY) > 1.2) { deltaY *= options.stepSize / 120; } scrollArray(overflowing, -deltaX, -deltaY); event.preventDefault(); } /** * Keydown event handler. * @param {Object} event */ function keydown(event) { var target = event.target; var modifier = event.ctrlKey || event.altKey || event.metaKey || (event.shiftKey && event.keyCode !== key.spacebar); // do nothing if user is editing text // or using a modifier key (except shift) // or in a dropdown if ( /input|textarea|select|embed/i.test(target.nodeName) || target.isContentEditable || event.defaultPrevented || modifier ) { return true; } // spacebar should trigger button press if (isNodeName(target, "button") && event.keyCode === key.spacebar) { return true; } var shift, x = 0, y = 0; var elem = overflowingAncestor(activeElement); var clientHeight = elem.clientHeight; if (elem == document.body) { clientHeight = window.innerHeight; } switch (event.keyCode) { case key.up: y = -options.arrowScroll; break; case key.down: y = options.arrowScroll; break; case key.spacebar: // (+ shift) shift = event.shiftKey ? 1 : -1; y = -shift * clientHeight * 0.9; break; case key.pageup: y = -clientHeight * 0.9; break; case key.pagedown: y = clientHeight * 0.9; break; case key.home: y = -elem.scrollTop; break; case key.end: var damt = elem.scrollHeight - elem.scrollTop - clientHeight; y = (damt > 0) ? damt+10 : 0; break; case key.left: x = -options.arrowScroll; break; case key.right: x = options.arrowScroll; break; default: return true; // a key we don't care about } scrollArray(elem, x, y); event.preventDefault(); } /** * Mousedown event only for updating activeElement */ function mousedown(event) { activeElement = event.target; } /*********************************************** * OVERFLOW ***********************************************/ var cache = {}; // cleared out every once in while setInterval(function () { cache = {}; }, 10 * 1000); var uniqueID = (function () { var i = 0; return function (el) { return el.uniqueID || (el.uniqueID = i++); }; })(); function setCache(elems, overflowing) { for (var i = elems.length; i--;) cache[uniqueID(elems[i])] = overflowing; return overflowing; } function overflowingAncestor(el) { var elems = []; var rootScrollHeight = root.scrollHeight; do { var cached = cache[uniqueID(el)]; if (cached) { return setCache(elems, cached); } elems.push(el); if (rootScrollHeight === el.scrollHeight) { if (!isFrame || root.clientHeight + 10 < rootScrollHeight) { return setCache(elems, document.body); // scrolling root in WebKit } } else if (el.clientHeight + 10 < el.scrollHeight) { overflow = getComputedStyle(el, "").getPropertyValue("overflow-y"); if (overflow === "scroll" || overflow === "auto") { return setCache(elems, el); } } } while (el = el.parentNode); } /*********************************************** * HELPERS ***********************************************/ function addEvent(type, fn, bubble) { window.addEventListener(type, fn, (bubble||false)); } function removeEvent(type, fn, bubble) { window.removeEventListener(type, fn, (bubble||false)); } function isNodeName(el, tag) { return (el.nodeName||"").toLowerCase() === tag.toLowerCase(); } function directionCheck(x, y) { x = (x > 0) ? 1 : -1; y = (y > 0) ? 1 : -1; if (direction.x !== x || direction.y !== y) { direction.x = x; direction.y = y; que = []; lastScroll = 0; } } var deltaBufferTimer; function isTouchpad(deltaY) { if (!deltaY) return; deltaY = Math.abs(deltaY) deltaBuffer.push(deltaY); deltaBuffer.shift(); clearTimeout(deltaBufferTimer); var allEquals = (deltaBuffer[0] == deltaBuffer[1] && deltaBuffer[1] == deltaBuffer[2]); var allDivisable = (isDivisible(deltaBuffer[0], 120) && isDivisible(deltaBuffer[1], 120) && isDivisible(deltaBuffer[2], 120)); return !(allEquals || allDivisable); } function isDivisible(n, divisor) { return (Math.floor(n / divisor) == n / divisor); } var requestFrame = (function () { return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || function (callback, element, delay) { window.setTimeout(callback, delay || (1000/60)); }; })(); var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver; /*********************************************** * PULSE ***********************************************/ /** * Viscous fluid with a pulse for part and decay for the rest. * - Applies a fixed force over an interval (a damped acceleration), and * - Lets the exponential bleed away the velocity over a longer interval * - Michael Herf, http://stereopsis.com/stopping/ */ function pulse_(x) { var val, start, expx; // test x = x * options.pulseScale; if (x < 1) { // acceleartion val = x - (1 - Math.exp(-x)); } else { // tail // the previous animation ended here: start = Math.exp(-1); // simple viscous drag x -= 1; expx = 1 - Math.exp(-x); val = start + (expx * (1 - start)); } return val * options.pulseNormalize; } function pulse(x) { if (x >= 1) return 1; if (x <= 0) return 0; if (options.pulseNormalize == 1) { options.pulseNormalize /= pulse_(1); } return pulse_(x); } addEvent("mousedown", mousedown); addEvent("mousewheel", wheel); addEvent("load", init); } }); if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('chrome') > -1) { $.smoothScroll(); } })(jQuery);